Toowoomba hosts one of Australia's largest festivals - Easterfest, formerly 'Gospel Festival' to celibate the Crucifixion and Reasurection of Jesus and there was a lot of activity around the town this long weekend but sadly it seems that the focus is moving away from Jesus. It seems to me that when promoters changed the name of the festival it was to stay politically correct and appease non Christians. Well hey! world... wake up! it is a CHRISTIAN FESTIVAL to commemorate the victory over life and death for all of mankind by JESUS CHRIST. So sad to see young children who believe this holiday is nothing more than a game to find and consume 'chocolate bunny droppings' - edible rabbit dung.
No I'm not about to turn this blog into a religious debate but I will express my views and opposition to the 'political correctness' of this and many other issues raised by the pandering's of weak kneed groups.
Now the latest is the call to scrap the ANZAC Day memorial holiday because... celebrating it may cause some division within the wider community. What poppycock! Regardless of the reasons, ANZAC's gave their lives in the service of their country leaving not only a legacy but also Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters,family and friends. Now some would like to deny these families the right to honour their forefathers for this ultimate sacrifice... how distasteful is this suggestion? There will always be debate over the so called 'historical facts' or 'correctness of action' but it must be remembered that 'to the victor go the spoils' which includes their version of 'historical fact'. To the wowsers I say, "Build a bridge and get over it!"
Ronnie and I were fortunate enough to have our daughter and son-in-law visit for a couple of days and then had the joy of their company once again while visiting our son, daughter-in-law and the grandkids. To have the whole family (well almost, little Cadence was absent) together is rare and very special. We all had such a wonderful time and our 'Heartkid' Cammy was full of energy playing with his brother and sisters... AWESOME!